Make contact with Hotel Auris!
On the website of Hotel Auris, you can always make a reservation easily without any doubt. We guarantee you the most favorable offers for the chosen date, room, and conditions.
Our mission is to make your ideas come true: we already got clowns and Santa Claus for the grandchildren, we made romantic surprises in the rooms for special occasions, like an engagement. Furthermore, we can also provide beautiful suites for honeymooners.
In a case of any requests or questions, Hotel Auris’ s Team gladly help you with everything.
Individual offers:
+36 20 312 36 82

Ask for an offer
Where do you find us?
6725 Szeged Boldogasszony sgt. 14.
Do you have questions?
Call us!
+36 62 674 577
+36 20 312 36 82
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